What I'm listening to: Spice and Company's , Guns (Soca for you who don't know)
What I read this week: my work in Progress, I was trying to get it ready for TOM (Touch of Magic, the contest the CFRWA sponsors ) I didn't make it.

As for the party it was my first encounter, that I know of, with drag queens. We went to Lucky Chengs in downtown NYC. And had an absolute ball, we're still wondering if things were surgically removed.
Moving on from the mysteries of Drag queens, and to be PC the person in the picture is a Drag Doll. Yes there is a difference.One that would take too much time to explain considering I'm not sure where this particular doll is from.
Now on to the topic of conferences. Another friend and I are going to attend the Southern Lights Writers Conference in Jacksonville, Fl this March. Its put on by the First coast Romance Writers of Jacksonville .
This year their keynote speaker is Suzanne Brockmann. (www.suzannebrockmann.com) Of whom I'm a big fan, I've just give my Mother-in-law the first three of her books in the Troubleshooters series. I fully expect her to be demanding the others in the next week, and when she's done with those I should be ready to let go of Roxanne St. Claire's and Cindy Gerard's books.
So here's my question who are you favorite authors you don't have to rank them just let me know who you like.
Here I go with mine:
Georgette Heyer
Arthur Golden
Lucy Walker
Louisa May Alcott
Ismith Khan
V.S Naipaul
Alice Walker
James Fennimore Cooper
Margret Mitchell
Suzanne Brockmann
Cindy Gerard
Roxanne St.Claire